Balancing body mind and spirit through natural health choices and therapies
Balancing body mind and spirit through natural health choices and therapies
The Biofield tuning method that Sandra practices is a form of vibrational sound therapy developed by Eileen Day McKusick. [It] "is a therapeutic method that makes use of the frequencies produced by tuning forks to detect and correct distortions and imbalances within the biomagnetic energy field, or biofield, that surrounds the human body...
The biofield extends approximately five feet to both sides of the body and three feet above the head and below the feet and is shaped like a torus - [It] contains the record of all of our memories, embedded as energy and information in standing waves within this structure. Just as the brain is compartmentalized with different areas responsible for different functions, so is the biofield, with specific areas holding information related to specific emotions, states of mind, and relationships. In addition to our memories, the biofield contains the blueprint that the physical body organizes itself around. Traumatic experiences on the physical, mental and emotional levels give rise to pathological oscillations in the standing waves that act as a sort of noise in the signal and can cause a breakdown in the order, structure, and function of the physiology...
The tuning forks are used like sonar as they reflect changes in the terrain of the biofield... [and] the coherent frequency of the forks also act therapeutically in a very targeted way when... held in specific areas of acute distortion, inducing greater order into the system"(Eileen Day McKusick, author of "Tuning the Human Biofield")
Initial Consultation $150.00 + Tax
Subsequent Consultation $120.00 + Tax
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